Announcements &
Calendar Events
Murray Parkway Stake Women's Conference:
Saturday, February 8th 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Building Connections Through Christ
Class 1: 10:30 am
Class 2: 11:10 am
Class 3: 12:35 pm
Luncheon from 11:45 - 12:30
Self Reliance Groups:
We wanted to make each of you aware that Self-reliance groups will be starting again soon.
For several years, our stake has formed Self‑reliance Groups to help people become more self-reliant. We are combining with the Murray West Stake to offer Emotional Resilience and Personal Finances. Groups will meet on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. starting January 9 in the Murray West Stake Building by the golf course (6300 South 700 West).
Anyone interested can register by sending their name, phone number, and email to Anthony Clark (385-258-9845 or
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity as it may be of interest to you.
Sunday School Zoom link:
If members are on vacation or know that they will not be able to attend Sunday School and would like to do so, please text Brother Vern Garrett at 801-232-4576 prior to the class and request a Zoom invite to attend his Gospel Doctrines class online. Brother Garrett’s class is always available via Zoom with an invite.
LDS Ward Tools:
Please take a moment and add your picture to your Ward Tools profile.
If you have any questions or need help, reach out to a member of the bishopric.
Ward Cleaning Schedule: Cleaning is every Saturday at 8:00 am at the ward house. One of the building representatives will be there to coordinate the cleaning.
January 4th & 11th
Mike & Trish Sommercorn
Ron & Mimi Stevens
Jeremy & Kelly Taeoalii
Carly Tanner
Lee & Jolie Tanner
January 18th & 25th
Janet Taylor
Jonah & Katelin Cherono
Jacob & Jennifer Thuet
Jaymie Cushing
John & Debbie Shurtleff
Ron & Carol Voorhees