Announcements &

 Calendar Events


Murray Parkway Stake Women's Conference

Saturday, February 8th 10:00 am - 1:30 pm

Building Connections Through Christ

Class 1: 10:30 am

Class 2: 11:10 am

Class 3: 12:35 pm

Luncheon from 11:45 - 12:30

Self Reliance Groups

We wanted to make each of you aware that Self-reliance groups will be starting again soon.

For several years, our stake has formed Self‑reliance Groups to help people become more self-reliant. We are combining with the Murray West Stake to offer Emotional Resilience and Personal Finances. Groups will meet on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. starting January 9 in the Murray West Stake Building by the golf course (6300 South 700 West).

Anyone interested can register by sending their name, phone number, and email to Anthony Clark (385-258-9845 or

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity as it may be of interest to you.

Sunday School Zoom link

If members are on vacation or know that they will not be able to attend Sunday School and would like to do so, please text Brother Vern Garrett at 801-232-4576 prior to the class and request a Zoom invite to attend his Gospel Doctrines class online.  Brother Garrett’s class is always available via Zoom with an invite.

LDS Ward Tools

Please take a moment and add your picture to your Ward Tools profile.

If you have any questions or need help, reach out to a member of the bishopric.

Ward Cleaning Schedule: Cleaning is every Saturday at 8:00 am at the ward house. One of the building representatives will be there to coordinate the cleaning.

January 4th & 11th

Mike & Trish Sommercorn 

Ron & Mimi Stevens 

Jeremy & Kelly Taeoalii

Carly Tanner 

Lee & Jolie Tanner

January 18th & 25th

Janet Taylor 

Jonah & Katelin Cherono

Jacob & Jennifer Thuet 

Jaymie Cushing

John & Debbie Shurtleff

Ron & Carol Voorhees